Magazine Research • An Introduction

Aims and Objectives:

1) Appreciate what it is that makes fashion and beauty magazines so successful in today's world.

2) Understand the correlation between magazines and the online community - particularly social networking sites such as Blogger, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

3) Enrich my knowledge on the intricate details of design and layout in magazines.

4) Design a taster magazine for my company 'The British Trend' alongside 4 seasonal covers.

5) Discover how the fashion and beauty magazines of today remain recognisable despite the call for constant changes in cover and content, due to season and trend changes. 


Cover and content are categorically the most vital elements of any magazine - however, these aspects break down into hundreds of various components, which all unite to create the final product. Not only are visual elements such as layout techniques important in designing a magazine of any genre, but it's imperative to understand the target audience. 

Throughout this area of assignment, I intend to explore the methods of creating a successful fashion and beauty magazine. My research will primarily take residence in books and on my blog as I progress throughout my assignment, encompassing all areas of fashion and beauty magazine publication. I will be taking into consideration the appropriate elements of the visual design, target audience and what captivates them, how important the use of social media is in the popularity of magazines, and how monthly and seasonal magazines remain recognisable despite their constant changes in cover and content.

Cover and Content • Consistencies in monthly and seasonal issues

Although there are hundreds of different fashion and beauty magazines in which display changes in their cover and content depending on their monthly and seasonal issue releases, I've chosen to focus on 'Company' magazine to tie in with the course of my research thus far, as my study is focused on the unique scrapbook-diary design of this High-Street inspired magazine rather than the editorial, classic and elegant approach showcased by magazines such as 'Vogue' and 'Harper's Bazaar'. Also, 'Company' magazine displays variation and personality in their designs and arrangement of fashion-related garments, therefore offering more range in seasonal elements.

Although 'Company' magazine already express a personal and scrapbook style design, with a range of various colours and arrangements, there are certainly subtle changes within their cover specifically. As 'Company' is a monthly magazine, I've taken a look into where the consistencies and oftentimes, differences, lie within the publication process.

Company - August 2012

• Use of bright yellow (symbolic and relative to sunlight, summer and happiness)
• Cover girl model (Gillian Zinser) dressed in loose, light, summery clothing inc. sunhat
• Bolder use of typeface for key words such as 'Summer', 'tan' and 'holiday'.
• Attractive, striking summer-style design.
• Collage style border in southern section of layout.

Company - March 2013

• Use of a blue backdrop signifying the passing of winter.
• An introduction of pinks and peach tones to warm the cover up (more inviting and symbolic of the progression into warmer months).
• Consistent use of chunky black boxes and collage of floral patterns in southern section of the layout.
• Cover girl model (Lianne La Havas) wearing a spring floral dress (to match use of patterns and floral theme).
• Floral patterns to create a blooming and blossoming Spring-time effect.

Company - April 2013

• Introduction of warmer colours, shades and tones such as warm corals and pinks, hot yellows, and reds.
• Consistent use of chunky black boxes in southern section of the layout.
• Images of models showcasing summer wear (shorts, t-shirts etc.)
• Relevant words and titles such as 'Spring', 'floral' and 'jumpsuits' are highlighted to catch the reader's eye.

Company - May 2013

• Use of bright, bouncy 'Spring' style colours.
• Use of fresh white.
• Floral pattern plays an important role in this cover as an introduction to 'Spring' and blossoming flowers.
• Attention is drawn to the appropriate words (such as 'Hottest', 'Sandles', 'Shorts', 'Sunnies' and 'Summer').

As presented above, all of these issues of 'Company' magazine display similar layouts in the sense that they all show a central model, a thick heavy typeface for the title, box highlights to emphasis headings. All are loyal to a diary, hand-rendered approach, however differ from each other in the sense that they use monthly/seasonal-appropriate colour schemes and collages towards the bottom of the cover.

Social Media • Fashion Bloggers

Named by Teen Vogue the: "Product Queen of YouTube", 'Fashion Rocks My Socks' is a 21 year old fashion and beauty blogger named Rhiannon Ashlee who has been active online September 2010, primarily on YouTube. Taking her initial inspiration from television, holidays such as Valentine's Day and Christmas, walking down the streets of London, and even from YouTubers such as 'Charlieissocoollike', 'Clothesencounters', 'Grav3yardgirl' and 'Vagabondyouth' - she knew that expressing her thoughts online, reaching a wide variety of people was an ambition. 

Reaching an audience of 106,039 subscribers (not including those who watch her videos and aren't subscribed) Rhiannon has moved into the social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Blogger, Keek, Tumblr, and has even set herself up with a second YouTube channel. Unarguably, Rhiannon uses social networking to her advantage, reaching out to thousands of people who share her interest in fashion and beauty.

Quick FAQ with Rhiannon Ashlee (Fashion Rocks My Socks)

Where are you from?
Kent, England

What camera do you use?
PanasonicLumix G2

How do you edit your blog posts?
I use a mixture of Polyvore, Picasa, PicMonkey and Blogger

What software do you use to edit videos?

Final Cut Pro or iMovie

(FAQ found here)

Although active on all of the aforementioned social media, Rhiannon focuses on updating her Youtube channel and her professional blog as often as possible, bringing her audience updates on her projects and invites sent to her by fashion companies, 'Monthly Favourites', 'Monthly Empties', wish lists, product reviews, weeks in photographs, styling posts, collections, 'Outfit snippets', 'Hauls' and now she is able to involve her audience in her content, with posts such as 'Send in Your Style' and competitions (set up either by herself or by companies such as Chicnova through her blog).
Currently playing host to: 106778 YouTube subscribers, 10715 twitter followers, 1127 blog members, 7690 Facebook page members on her channels, Rhiannon has reached out to thousands of people and has become as successful as fashion and beauty bloggers can possibly get. She has used social networking to create content not only for herself, but for fashion and beauty companies all over the world, who in turn, pay her for her work.

To conclude, Rhiannon and her 'Fashion Rocks My Socks' channels speak out to an audience (mainly aimed around the female teen-young adult audience) in a professional, light-hearted and fun way. Using her love for fashion and beauty as a stepping stone, she has created herself an entire career using purely social networking. This is further evidence to suggest that the use of social networking to anybody who has the ambition to achieve in the field of fashion and beauty is a positive and successful way to excel in creating an audience and showcasing your ability and passion.

Zoe Thatcher (or "Zoella280390") is a 22 year old British fashion and beauty guru blogger who specialises in  reviewing products and chatting about her life experiences. Alike her fellow fashion and beauty bloggers, Zoe has a passion and enjoyment for her work, which shines through her perfectly edited and quality videos.  

FAQ with Zoe Thatcher (Zoella280390)

What Camera do you use to take your photos?
I use a Panasonic Lumix TZ7 Digital Camera in older blog posts & the Canon EOS 600D in newer posts.

What program do you use to edit your photos?
I use Photoshop CS5 & iPhoto on a Mac

How did you create your old banner?
I used Photoshop to cut and stick different images together

What camera do you use to film your videos?
I use the Canon EOS 600D & iMovie to edit

What made you start a blog?
Back in 2007, I started watching YouTube videos and learning all kinds of new things from various makeup gurus, I remember in 2008/2009 I started watching Lollipop26 (Laura) and ACurrentCustom (Lorraine), and they both had blogs alongside their videos. Being very shy and not at all confident, I decided that the best way to get involved in the makeup community and write about something i loved, was to start a blog myself. So in February 2009, I created "Zoella". 

Why did you call your blog Zoella?
I called my blog Zoella, as it was a nickname I was given at the time. I don't remember who by, but now it has stuck with me whether I like it or not haha.

How do you get people to read and follow your blog?
When I first started my blog, I think in the first 2 weeks, I gained about 3 followers, they certainly didn't just appear overnight. I would read and comment on other blogs (personal comments not my blog link) & eventually more people would hop on over and join. I also joined twitter, and started following other bloggers and becoming part of the beauty community. Chatting to others who enjoyed the same things as me, and making friends. If you are putting in the effort, people will find you. It's taken me over 3 years to get to the point I am at today. I know it may be frustrating to those of you who have written a few posts and feel as though nobody is listening, but nobody was listening to me at one point either. It's important to just enjoy each aspect of blogging. The ideas, the photography, the editing, the writing and the satisfaction it brings you when you hit the "publish" button. Good things come to those who wait, so just remember that when you feel like smashing your head on your keyboard because you don't have all the followers you wish you had. Blogging should be fun, and extension of you and the things you love, and if it isn't fun, and you aren't enjoying it or getting any satisfaction out of it, maybe it's just not your scene. You also have to remember that not everybody reading your blog will be following you with google friend connect or bloglovin, or hellocotton. They may be subscribed via email, or simply just have your website bookmarked. The vast majority of my readers are not followers at all (just something to keep in mind). Have fun, make the effort and get involved and I'm sure you'll get followers/readers in no time.

I need help creating a blog name, can you think of anything?
I would love to have the time and the imagination to help you come up with a blog name, but unfortunately I have neither. Nobody knows you better than yourself, so pick something unique that's personal to you. Things you love? Things that inspire you? A quote maybe? The possibilities are endless (as long as someone else hasn't already snapped it up).

What do you use to read blogs?
I use Bloglovin' to read blogs. I think it's amazing! You can categorise blogs into different groups and mark certain posts as read or unread so you never miss a post from your favourite bloggers. I also use this on my Iphone as an app for reading blogs on the go.

I'm thinking of starting a YouTube channel but i'm worried about what people will think of me or if I will get teased. Do you have any advice?
If you desperately want to make videos, and it's something you think you might enjoy, stuff what anyone else thinks. Do they have the guts to make a video and upload it for the world to see? no? well then what do they know! Do things FOR YOU and not for anyone else. Don't let anyone else's immaturity spoil your fun. Most people don't understand YouTube and if that's the case let them wallow in their own ignorance. You also don't have to publish it to your personal social networking sites if you really don't want anyone finding out. Don't link it anywhere and don't tell anyone (unless of course you trust them) and it will be almost impossible for people to just "stumble upon you". YouTube is like an ocean full of millions of fish (except the fish are videos). If you make a couple of videos and decide you don't like it or want to do it anymore, then that's fine too. You gave it a go!
(p.s. If you are under the age of 16 and you're asking me this question, make sure it's okay with your parents that you start making videos on YouTube, just in case they absolutely despise the idea, don't want you getting into trouble)

I'm stuck for what to film my first YouTube video on! Do you have any ideas for me?
When I did my first YouTube video, I wasn't really expecting many people to see it, and I just filmed a random day out shopping with a friend. For my first proper sit down video, I think I did "60 things in my bedroom" which didn't require any talking (just editing and a bit of music). I think it's best to do something that you will feel comfortable with. I was very shy when I first started on YouTube and even now I wouldn't say i'm 100% comfortable talking to a camera knowing you will all see it, but it gets easier. Maybe a what's in my bag video? (simple show and tell) or a "Get to know me" tag video? So that new viewers will know all about you!

Do you add people you on your personal Facebook?
As much as I love you all, I do want to keep at least one thing in the big world wide web just to myself and my real life-ness (non Zoella haha). I do however have a Facebook Page, which I'd LOVE for you to "like" instead. You can also message me on there too. 

(FAQ found here)

Zoe utilises all elements of social networking to present herself and her devotion to fashion and beauty to a large audience all around the world. Creating YouTube videos, blog posts and updating her other websites, Zoe regularly creates content for audiences of

36466 blog subscribers

106778 YouTube subscribers, 10715 twitter followers, 1127 blog members, 7690 Facebook page members on her channels

These bloggers have excelled in applying themselves to being fashion and beauty 'gurus' and have demonstrated versatility in online media.

But how does this relate to magazines and their association with online social media?

Publication has changed dramatically in the past decade, with a surge in popularity of new social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter - it seems almost everyone has some kind of account. Although this certainly seems to have negative impact on the sales of magazines, using social networking sites to your company's advantage is an ideal way to speak out to a vast audience easily - particularly if a magazine's target audience are teens or young adults. With advertisements and sites of their own, magazine companies are able to display their products and information in a relatable and contemporary manner. This not only opens their company up to a wider audience, but influences them to not only read and become involved with what they can find online, but to also to buy the printed product for even more articles and information regarding their company.

Referencing (All found in BIBLIOGRAPHY in Independent Study 3000 word report):

Fashion Rocks My Socks, Blogger. (February 2012) Fashion Rocks My Socks. [Online] Available from: [Accessed February 2013].

Fashion Rocks My Socks, Facebook. (March 2011) Fashion Rocks My Socks. [Online] Available from: [Accessed February 2013].

Fashion Rocks My Socks, Twitter. (No Date) @fashionrocksms. [Online] Available from: [Accessed February 2013].

Fashion Rocks My Socks, YouTube. (2011) Fashion Rocks My Socks. [Online] Available from: [Accessed February 2013].

Rhiannon Ashlee, Instagram. (No Date) rhiannonashlee. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 2nd May 2013].

Rhiannon Ashlee, Keek. (March 2013) rhiannonashlee. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 2nd May 2013].

Rhiannon Ashlee, Tumblr. (No Date) Rhiannon Ashlee. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 2nd May 2013].

Zoella, Bloglovin. (No Date) Zoella. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 2nd May 2013].

Zoella, Blogger. (February 2009) Zoella. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 2nd May 2013].

Zoella, Facebook. (2009) Zoella. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 2nd May 2013].

Zoella, Twitter. (No Date) @ZozeeBo. [Online] Available from:  [Accessed 2nd May 2013].

Zoella, YouTube. (2010) Zoella. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 2nd May 2013].

Zozeebo, Instagram. (No Date) Zozeebo. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 2nd May 2013].

Anna Saccone, Blogger (No Date) Anna Saccone. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 2nd May 2013].

Anna Saccone, Formspring. (No Date) Anna Saccone. [Online} Available from: [Accessed 2nd May 2013].

Annasaccone, Instagram. (No Date) Annasaccone. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 2nd May 2013].

Anna Saccone Joly, Twitter. (No Date) @AnnaSaccone. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 2nd May 2013].

Anna Saccone, YouTube. (2009) Anna Saccone [Online] Available from: [Accessed 2nd May 2013].

Development So Far

Below is a little insight to how I'm getting on with my development into creating a taster magazine for my company 'The British Trend'...

The Photoshoot

I had great fun taking some photographs and organising the features and pages for my taster magazine for 'The British Trend'. This included lots of locations, outfit changes and make-up ready for the shoot. I can't wait to put my newly developed Photoshop image manipulation skills into practice for the covers!

Here is the first preview of an image manipulation photograph I created using Photoshop. I'm really proud with how this has turned out, it's definitely been worth the hours put in to get every detail correct. I find the eyes stand out exactly how I envisaged they would, and the colours in the gloves are so vibrant. I can't wait to start putting these images together into context!

The British Trend Cover Decisions

It's a little further through the process of creating a taster magazine for 'The British Trend' to partner with it's online social networking blog, Facebook and Twitter fan pages, and so far I've gathered all the elements I will need, and I'm putting them together on an InDesign file. As I only have 3 models, but 4 seasons to design for, I've had to take part in the photoshoot for the covers (Spring). After analysis of all of the photographs, I made the decision to use one of each model for the 4 seasons, and to use Amy (Winter) for the taster magazine (which is a Spring issue) although it took much consideration, I made this decision because I preferred the quality of Amy's photograph, and her outfit suited the "in-between" season that is Sprint, warm but brightly coloured - a great cross-over between Winter and Summer. I'm really happy with the process of the magazine so far, and can't wait to get it sent to be printed, bound and delivered!

How Has This Helped Guide my Study?



Delving deeper into the discovery of what it is that makes a magazine, single careers or organisations recognisable in an ever-changing and contemporary industry has engaged many more aspects of displaying and sending out information than previously assumed before this study began its course.

The magazines I am studying differ from each other in such extreme instances that to compare them has felt somewhat like comparing magazines featuring totally different stories, focuses and aimed at a different age of target audience. However, every magazine I have looked at already has been extremely helpful in terms of their layout and have all offered such diverse ranges in these layouts, in their content (on fashion, beauty, entertainment and places of interest) and in the overall personality of the magazines. 

At this point through my study, it's really helped guide me into what direction I want my magazine to go in, and I've already been making these active steps towards achieving my goals. My aims and objectives since the beginning of this study have been to:

1) Appreciate what it is that makes fashion and beauty magazines so successful in today's world.

2) Understand the correlation between magazines and the online community - particularly social networking sites such as Blogger, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

3) Enrich my knowledge on the intricate details of design and layout in magazines.

4) Design a taster magazine for my company 'The British Trend' alongside 4 seasonal covers.

5) Discover how the fashion and beauty magazines of today remain recognisable despite the call for constant changes in cover and content, due to season and trend changes. 

So far, my journey through this study has been ticking all of the boxes, and I'm learning so much more about design than ever hoped. Whether that be through research into magazines, books, journals and web pages, self-teaching the use of software such as Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign, or as a part of WORK EXPERIENCE that I have been taking part in since 14th February 2013.

This work experience has taken place in Cheltenham, at Archant Publishing House, where I have been shadowing Mr. Steve Rayner, the Editorial Designer for 'Discover Britain' magazine and 'Wild Travel' magazine, and Ms. Ruth Sargison, Art Editor for 'The British Home' magazine. This experience has been irreplaceable, as I have gained the knowledge of what it takes to work within a professional design environment as a part of Publication Design, and both of these mentors have given me the opportunities to gain experience in almost every aspect - on Picture Research for the magazines, analysinng Mr. Rayner's work on 'Wild Travel, working on Photoshop (image manipulation), InDesign and QuarkXpress (page and cover layout).  

All of my experiences, learning curves and research so far is certainly leading me in the right direction. I feel I have accurate insight into every aspect of magazine design under the umbrella of Publication Design, and I look forward to seeing the final 'The British Trend' products.